Growing year-round nutrient dense plants and exploring the world of fungi

FarOut Container Farm grows hydroponic leafy greens, herbs, vegetables, fruits and fungi, in re-engineered shipping containers, using solar energy, water conservation and automated growing systems, with inspired design and culinary sensibilities.

By growing green, growing locally and growing year round, we look to educate and inspire others on how controlled environment agriculture can help support and strengthen a distressed food system impacted by climate change.

Year round nutrient dense plants

This allows food access to local plants and fungi in areas that experience harsh winters and regions that are heavily impacted by the climate crisis.

Mutual Aid Efforts

By creating a space for sharing resources and locally grown plants and fungi, FarOut seeks to partner with local Mutual Aide efforts to help food access for our local community.

Exploring the world of Fungi

Fungi are nature's recyclers. We seek to build a multi dimensional Fungi program with an emphasis on waste stream utilization. We are designing a 40 ft shipping container, outfitted with a sterile laboratory, an incubation room, and a medicinal Fungi grow room.

Why Hydroponic Container Farming

Year Round Growing Seasons

Free of Pesticides & Chemicals

Grown Locally to Support Local Food Systems

Water Conservation

What We Are Up To

Meet the Man Behind the Container

Chef Danny Amend

Danny Amend was born in Santa Rosa, California. He spent much of his childhood helping tend his families garden, sparking a life long passion for gardening and food. He worked as a well regarded cook and chef for 25 years of his life, until In 2017, when his family home and most of his childhood community was destroyed in the devastating Tubbs fire. From that moment on, his attention and focus turned to the climate crisis. This led him to Wally Farms and eventually to founding FarOut Container Farm in 2020. 

Recipes from Chef Danny

Salanova Salad

Fennel, Citrus, Almonds & Cows milk cheese Truly my favorite lettuce eaten whole! Salanova has so many spots to tuck vinaigrette and crunchy stuff into it’s leaves.

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Building the Container Farm

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